My Aunt Albert or Aunt Bert was one of the most positive persons that I have ever met in my life. She would make something positive out of even dire events. She just loved kids and enjoyed it when kids were having fun. Often, I would get into trouble with my mischievous tricks both at home or at school. I was usually being reprimanded my teacher (nun) in school and my Mom for my misdeeds at home. I was just an adventurous kid you liked to be active and have fun. There were many days when I was over the top rambunctious.
My Mom and Dad were strict and for most of my misdeeds the punishment was swift and certain. My Mom was a strong-willed woman who would not back down from the punishment that I received. There was never any time off for good behavior or early parole. When we would go to Aunt Alberta’s home my Mom would discuss my latest misadventures and the punishment that I received. When my Mom argued with a person she almost always won, except for one person, her sister Aunt Alberta.
Aunt Alberta would defend me with the skill of a Clarence Darrow. It was absolutely amazing the arguments she would throw at my Mom arguing that what I did was not so bad at all but normal, in fact good. I was mesmerized by her tactics. She was a gifted debater, who often compared what I did to what her kids had done, and of course what I had done was not even worthy of being a misdemeanor. In fact, many times Aunt Alberta would argue that instead of being punished I should be rewarded! I can recall many times when my punishment of being confined to my room was not only eliminated by Aunt Alberta, but she convinced my Mom to reward me with an ice cream cone or some other treat. She was one of the few persons who could not only hold their own with my Mom but win an argument.
I often think Aunt Alberta would have made a great defense attorney. She was my personal legal dream team against my Mom. I do know that her constant positive attitude and praise of all my cousins had a good impact on them and their lives. She was great for me, I loved her a lot, and she eliminated many punishment days of me being confined to my room.