Sydney the Monster Stops Cyber Bullies

Sydney the Monster Stops Cyber Bullies    By Dr. Tom DePaoli (click title to buy)


Sydney the Monster Stops Cyber Bullies is a new children’s book. Dr. Tom DePaoli offers practical strategies and tactics, for parents, children, teachers, and relatives to prevent cyber bullying. The book is written for both adults and children on the increasingly prevalent and hurtful subject of cyber bullying. Dr. Tom challenges all readers to become committed to preventing cyber bullying. He reveals many suggestions to prevent cyber bulling. He recommends policies and organizations to help when cyber bullying occurs.   This book is a very good source book on cyber bullying and an exceptional introduction to children on this controversial topic. Dr. Tom recommends that parents read the book aloud to their children, extemporize when necessary, and build their knowledge base on how to prevent children from being cyber bullied.  This is a serious and troubling topic. Dr. Tom offers outstanding preventive and corrective measures. He uses his well-known Sydney the Monster character to make children aware of cyber bulling.

The book serves as a landmark guide for eradicating cyber bullying.

Title:                Sydney the Monster Stops Cyber Bullies

Author:          Dr. Tom DePaoli

Published:     April 2017

ISBN/EAN13: 1544921659978-1544921655

Pages:           34

Genre:            Children’s Book

List Price:      $19.95

About the Author:  Website:  

Twitter:    @DrTomDePaoli


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