Grand Ma’s house was lots of fun for everyone. This picture was taken in the 1950’s at Christmas where a huge meal with many relatives took place. The entire house turned into a dining room and gifts were exchanged. I am in the very left of this picture, debonair in my cowboy shirt and suspenders, enjoying a banana flavored taffy bar. Next are my cousins Joanne, Donna and Angela. I am sure that we also played bingo for 1 cent a game and enjoyed gobs of orange soda. Grand Ma had a whole room full of bingo prizes that she had won, and we would all go upstairs and explore it. Grand Ma enjoyed spoiling us and called me ‘Thomas Jefferson.” We would never know who was going to buy us our gift. Each grandchild got one gift from one aunt or uncle. The opening of the presents was grand chaos and fun. Grand Ma had heated radiators and when it was cold, we would all stay close to the radiators.